Star Fox Adventures

From Video Credit Archive


Role English
Fox McCloud Steve Malpass
Krystal Estelle Ellis
Tricky Kevin Bayliss
Earthwalker king Kevin Bayliss
Earthwalker queen Estelle Ellis
General Scales John Silke
Krazoa Ben Cullum
Gradabug Ben Cullum
Sharpclaw Dean Smith
Shopkeeper Steven Brand
Warpstone John Silke
Garunda Te John Silke
Belina Te S. Blair
Peppy Hare Chris Seavor
Slippy Toad Chris Seavor
Falco Lombardi Ben Cullum
General Pepper John Silke
NUS 64 ROB 64
John Silke
Andross Duncan Botwood
Well creature Steven Brand
Cape Claw chief Ben Cullum
Dragon Rock chief Ben Cullum
Earthwalker dying person Ben Cullum
Earthwalker person Shaun Read

Steven Brand

Earthwalker soldier David McDermott
Cloudrunner quing Louise Tilston
Cloudrunner soldier John Silke
Lightfoot chief Chris Seavor
Lightfoot person John Silke
Snowhorn person Ben Cullum

Chris Sutherland

John Silke

Louise Jacobs

Shaun Read

Steven Brand

Thorntail gatekeeper Steven Brand
Thorntail parent Estelle Ellis
Thorntail person Ben Cullum

John Silker



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